50 A-Bomben je F-104G-Geschwader

Depots, Tanklager, Munitionsniederlagen, Versorgungs- und Nachschub-Infrastruktur des Militärs
Rick (†)

50 A-Bomben je F-104G-Geschwader

Beitrag von Rick (†) » 31.05.2008 23:53

Hatten wir diese Zahl schon?
Each Jagdbombergeschwader had a nominal strength of 52 aircraft divided between two Staffeln, each of which was intended to have 18 operational aircraft at any given time. Nuclear operations were conducted under the close scrutiny of US personnel and were initially focused around the use of the first-generation Mk28 tactical device, replaced from 1968 by the B43, 50 of which were provided for use by each of the five wings. In the same year, the B43 was supplanted by the reduced-yield B57 and finally, from 1975, the B61. These weapons were held under US control and located outside the airfield’s perimeter.

A number of F-104G fighter-bombers were outfitted for the nuclear role on the production line and differed from the standard aircraft in having the Vulcan cannon substituted for an additional fuel tank (as on the RF-104G) for an extra 20 minutes’ range, the gun being provided separately for conversion to the “conventional” role as required. With the exception of JBG 36, which kept two aircraft on strike QRA, the other three wings each maintained four aircraft on round-the-clock QRA duty. These aircraft were armed, fuelled and held on 15-minute readiness, each wing also having one unarmed reserve aircraft.

In keeping with NATO’s shift from the doctrine of “Massive Retaliation” to that of “Flexible Response”, JBG 32 was the first wing to adopt the clear-weather conventional mission (with a secondary air defence duty), in 1968, after only a year of NATO assignment in the strike role. From 1969, the remaining four wings became dual-role. In 1972, JBG 36 also gave up its nuclear tasking entirely and took on a secondary air-to-air function.
(Quelle: “Stars” over Germany. By Thomas Nowdick. In: Aircraft Illustrated, January 2007.)

Beiträge: 8759
Registriert: 07.05.2002 14:38
Ort/Region: Bispingen

Beitrag von MikeG » 01.06.2008 00:00


Da sollte es doch möglich sein, mal einen "alten 104-Recken" zu interviewen. Oder weiss der gute Herr St. (schönen Gruß") vielleicht sogar etwas dazu?


Rick (†)

Beitrag von Rick (†) » 01.06.2008 00:10

Hallo Mike,
der "gute Herr St.", dem ich die Grüße übermitteln werde, weiß es "offiziell" ziemlich sicher auch nicht. Er wurde zwar in Luke für den Abwurf ausgebildet, war dann aber bei den Aufklärern (Manching, Leck, Bremgarten). Die Piloten hätten vermutlich zu solchen Angaben auch keinen Zugang gehabt. Was später durchgesickert ist (er ist auch in der Vereinigung der Jagdflieger), kann ich nicht sagen.
Gute Nacht
